Monday, July 2, 2007


With promising Qi style actor and his teacher

Modern KEBAN (Peking Opera school)

Peking Opera school

in training

Few pics of MC in China

after watching a performance, MC is talking to a Peking Opera expert in Shanghai

bye HK


award-wining duck

...forget it

food in HK

Hong Kong at nite

it's not one scene in SF, but a nite view at the port area.

In the street

Time Square of Hong Kong

Huge Shaw Bros Studio

at nite

at nite

Another one

Famous Hong Kong Bank building by Norman Forster


looking out from my hotel room, on the left is Bank of China building by IM PEI.

nite view of the Bund

... ... ...

Interior of a modern Chinese restaurant

and little bit eating...

famous authentic Shanghai Little Dragon's place, look at the shape of the Dim Sum they serve

Cheng Huang Miao- tourist area

we didn't notice how beautiful the buildings were- we were concentrating on SHOPPING!!

olden days memory

Bund of Shanghai

famous Bund area, everybody was overwhelmed except Chris-she was cool because she was on phone with MC.

Meeting with Ms Li Ru Yu

Ms. Li, a nice lady and a long time colleague with Mr.Zhou Xinfang.


this dish's name was Unbeliveable, another name Braised Pork, look at the color...

Street food in Shanghai

we decided to pick a restaurant in the street which is clean. This was the first surprise, the real Crystal Prawn.

extras are in shooting


we were wondering- do they have a count for all theses? we doubt about it

Shanghai Film Studio location

Moving on, here you can have almost authentic old Shanghai street

quiet neighborhood

city view

same building, but different view from 40 years ago

where he used for rehearsal

where Mr.Zhou Xinfang worked

1st stop in Shanghai

Peking Opera master, Mr.Chow's father Mr.Zhou Xinfang's grave


relaxed time

Few min before performance

Live Peking Opera

tonight what we have on the book, no, on the schedule is live Peking Opera

Beijing Film Studio

this is the set built for film Mei Lan Fang, story for another famous Peking Opera actor

street food

we wer e so hungry, everything tasted great, but obviously Water Dumpling at Mr.Chow was better

for how many years, have you been sitting here?

another No.1 in the world

famous Forbidden City, the largest palace complex on the planet.

then we came down from the tower

Ladies & gentelmen, the largest square in the world

on the back, it's Tian An Men square, which holds 1,000,000 people...

something is happening...

the way local people live

guess what they are doing? excercising for a better eyesight.

Long long time ago...

after stepping out of AirChina, the 1st place we went was Hou Hai (meaning "back sea"), of city center, used to be residencial area for rich people in Beijing in Qing dynasty.

Yu Chen...Yu Chen...Where are they??